Module Bitvector

module Bitvector: sig  end
Theory of bitvectors.
Author(s): Harald Ruess

Bitvectors of width n, where n is a natural number, are arrays of bits with positions 0 through n-1 in increasing order from left-to-right.

Bitvector terms are built up from bitvector constants, concatenation of two bitvectors, extraction of a contiguous subrange from a bitvector, and logical bitwise operations.

val bitv2nat : Bitv.t -> int
Unsigned interpretation of a bitvector constant.
b : Bitv.t
val nat2bitv : int -> int -> Bitv.t
nat2bitv n i returns the a bitvector of length n representing the unsigned interpretation of the nonnegative integer i. It is assumed that n is large enough for representing i.
n : int
i : int

Width of a bitvector

val width : Term.t -> int option
Computes the width of a bitvector term, and returns None if the argument is not an application of a bitvector symbol
a : Term.t


val d_const : Term.t -> Bitv.t
Accessor for bitvector constants.
a : Term.t


val mk_const : Bitv.t -> Term.t
mk_const c is the constructor for building constant bitvectors, in which all bits are known to be either 0 or 1.
c : Bitv.t
val mk_eps : unit -> Term.t
mk_eps is the constant bitvector of length 0.
() : unit
val mk_one : int -> Term.t
mk_one n is the constant one bitvector of length n
n : int
val mk_zero : int -> Term.t
mk_zero n is just defined to be the constant zero bitvector of length n
n : int
val mk_conc : int -> int -> Term.t -> Term.t -> Term.t
mk_conc n m b1 b2 concatenates a bitvector b1 of width n and a bitvector b2 of width m. mk_conc terms are built up in a right-associative way, argument bitvectors of length 0 are ignored, constant argument bitvectors are combined into the corresponding concatenated constant bitvector, and concatentations of extractions such as mk_sub x i j and mk_sub x (j+1) k are merged to mk_sub x i k.
n : int
m : int
a : Term.t
b : Term.t
val mk_sub : int -> int -> int -> Term.t -> Term.t
mk_sub n i j x returns the representation of the bitvector for the contiguous extraction of the j-i+1 bits i through j in the bitvector x of length n. It is assumed that 0 <= i,j < n. If j < i then the empty bitvector mk_eps is returned, and if i = j then the result is a bitvector of width 1. Simplifications include extraction of bitvector terms, mk_sub distributes over concatenation and bitwise operators, and successive extractions are merged.
n : int
i : int
j : int
a : Term.t


val is_interp : Term.t -> bool
is_interp a holds iff the top-level function symbol of a is interpreted in the theory of bitvectors (see also module Sym.
a : Term.t
val is_const : Bitv.t -> Term.t -> bool
is_const a holds iff a is a bitvector constant.
c : Bitv.t
a : Term.t
val is_zero : Term.t -> bool
is_zero a holds iff all bits in a are 0.
a : Term.t
val is_one : Term.t -> bool
is_one a holds iff all bits in a are 1.
a : Term.t
val is_diseq : Term.t -> Term.t -> bool
Two bitvector terms a, b are disequal iff they disagree on at least one position.
a : Term.t
b : Term.t


val sigma : -> Term.t list -> Term.t
Given a bitvector symbol f (see module Sym) and a list l of arguments, sigma f l returns a concatenation normal form (CNF) of the application 'f(l)'. A CNF is either a simple bitvector or a right-associative concatenation of simple bitvectors, and a simple bitvector is either an uninterpreted term, a bitvector constant, an extraction, or a bitvector BDD (see above). All the simplifications for mk_sub, mk_conc, mk_bitwise are applied.
op :
l : Term.t list


val iter : (Term.t -> unit) -> Term.t -> unit
iter f a applies f for all toplevel subterms of a which are not interpreted in the theory of bitvectors.
f : Term.t -> unit
a : Term.t
val fold : (Term.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> Term.t -> 'a -> 'a
fold f a e applies f at uninterpreted positions of a and accumulates the results starting with e.
f : Term.t -> 'a -> 'a
a : Term.t
e : 'a
val map : (Term.t -> Term.t) -> Term.t -> Term.t
map f a applies f to all top-level uninterpreted subterms of a, and rebuilds the interpreted parts in order. It can be thought of as replacing every toplevel uninterpreted a with 'f(a)' if Not_found is not raised by applying a, and with a otherwise, followed by a sigmatization of all interpreted parts using mk_sigma.
f : Term.t -> Term.t
? : Term.t
val apply : Term.Equal.t -> Term.t -> Term.t
? : Term.Equal.t
? : Term.t


val solve : Term.t * Term.t -> (Term.t * Term.t) list
solve b either fails, in which case b is unsatisfiable in the given bitvector theory or it returns a list of equations [(x1,e1);...(xn,en)] such that xi is a non bitvector term, all the xi are pairwise disjoint, none of the xi occurs in any of the terms ej, and, viewed as a conjunction of equivalences, the result is equivalent (in the theory of bitvectors) with b. The terms ei may contain fresh bitvector constants.
(a,b) : Term.t * Term.t