Module Can

module Can: sig  end
Inference system for canonizable, ground confluent theories.
Author(s): Harald Ruess

type config = Partition.t * Solution.Set.t
module type T = sig  end
A canonizable and ground confluent theory th is specified by means of a replacement map f a for replacing uninterpreted subterms of a with f a and canonizing the result,, a theory-specific canonizer;, chainings functions of_var_equal, of_var_diseq, of_var_diseq for keeping equality sets ground confluent by triggering inference rules on pure equalities, variable equalities, and variable disequalities, respectively; and, a branching function disjunction.
module Make: functor (Can : T) -> sig  end
Constructing an inference system from the specification Can of a canonizable and ground confluent theory.
module type OPS = sig  end
Operations for canonizable theories.
module Ops: functor (Can : T) -> OPS
Operations on canonizable theories.