Module Infsys

module Infsys: sig  end
Definition and operations on inference systems.
Author(s): Harald Ruess

module Config: sig  end
A configuration (g; e; p) consists of Input facts g,, an equality set e, and, a variable partitioning p.
val g : G.t Pervasives.ref
Global variables for
val p : Partition.t Pervasives.ref
module type EQ = sig  end
Abstract interface of an inference system for equality theories.
module type ARITH = sig  end
Abstract interface of an inference system for arithmetic theories as an extension of the Infsys.EQ signature.
module Empty: EQ
Inference system for the empty theory.
val difference : bool Pervasives.ref
module type LEVEL = sig  end
Specification of tracer for inference system.
module Trace: functor (I : EQ) -> functor (L : sig  end) -> sig  end
Tracing rule applications.
module TraceArith: functor (I : ARITH) -> functor (L : sig  end) -> sig  end
Tracing rule applications.