Download ICS 2.0 Binaries

By downloading the ICS binaries you agree to the terms of the ICS License, which forms part of the ICS Registration Form. On completing this form, a license certificate will automatically be generated and emailed to you. The binaries will not work without the certificate.

The certificate is for the single user named within it, but it is not restricted to any particular host or platform. If you already have a valid certificate, just download the distribution(s) you want. The ICS binary distribution package includes executables of the ICS interactor and APIs for C, Ocaml, and Allegro Common Lisp.

Note: Some ICS 2.0 binaries are also distributed as part of SAL 2.1. Only download ICS explicitly if you need the full system (with documentation, shell interactor etc.), or a different version.

Suitable entries into .salrc are used to choose which ICS is being called.

If you wish to use ICS from within Allegro Common Lisp, you'll need this patch for Linux Shared Object in Lisp (15 Jan 2004). You'll probably also need to contact us for help.

Note: Sometimes (particularly on Windows or Macs), you'll get the SAL or ICS error message Certificate file ... corrupted. Before contacting us, please see if running the certificate file through a dos2unix converter fixes the problem (which is due to different end of line conventions). We'll fix this in the next releases.

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Last modified: Thu Nov 13 02:08:39 PST 2003 by Harald Rueß