let sign lookup a =
let rec term a =
match a with
| Var _ -> lookup a
| Term.App(Arith(op), xl) -> arith op xl
| Term.App(Pp(op), xl) -> pprod op xl
| Term.App(Bvarith(op), [x]) -> bvarith op x
| a -> raise Not_found
and arith op al =
match op, al with
| Num(q), [] -> Sign.of_q q
| Multq(q), [x] -> Sign.multq q (term x)
| Add, [x; y] -> Sign.add (term x) (term y)
| Add, xl -> Sign.addl (List.map term xl)
| _ -> assert false
Not_found -> Sign.T
and bvarith op a =
match op with
| Unsigned -> Sign.Nonneg
and pprod op al =
match op, al with
| Expt(n), [x] -> Sign.expt n (try term x with Not_found -> Sign.T)
| Mult, [] -> Sign.of_q Q.one
| Mult, [x] -> term x
| Mult, [x; y] -> Sign.mult (term x) (term y)
| Mult, xl -> Sign.multl (List.map term xl)
| _ -> assert false
Not_found -> Sign.T
term a