let rec cmd_rep () =
let inch = Istate.inchannel() in
let outch = Istate.outchannel() in
cmd_output outch (read_from_channel inch);
Format.fprintf outch "@?"
| Invalid_argument str ->
cmd_error outch str
| Parsing.Parse_error ->
cmd_error outch "Syntax error"
| End_of_file ->
cmd_quit 0 outch;
| Sys.Break ->
cmd_quit 1 outch;
| Failure "drop" ->
raise (Failure "drop")
| exc ->
(cmd_error outch ("Exception " ^ (Printexc.to_string exc)))
and cmd_batch () =
let inch = Istate.inchannel() in
let outch = Istate.outchannel() in
Parser.commandsequence Lexer.token (Lexing.from_channel inch)
| Result.Result(result) ->
cmd_output outch result;
cmd_quit 0 outch
| Invalid_argument str ->
cmd_error outch str;
cmd_quit 3 outch
| Parsing.Parse_error ->
let number = string_of_int !Tools.linenumber in
cmd_error outch ("Syntax error on line " ^ number);
cmd_quit 2 outch
| End_of_file ->
cmd_quit 0 outch
| Sys.Break ->
cmd_quit 1 outch
| Exc.Inconsistent ->
Format.fprintf outch ":unsat\n@?";
cmd_quit (-1) outch
| exc ->
cmd_error outch ("Exception " ^ (Printexc.to_string exc));
cmd_quit 4 outch
and cmd_output fmt result =
(match result with
| Result.Process(status) ->
Context.Status.pp Name.pp fmt status
| Result.Sat(None) ->
Format.fprintf fmt ":unsat@?"
| Result.Sat(Some(rho, n)) ->
Format.fprintf fmt ":sat( ";
Name.pp fmt n;
Format.fprintf fmt ") ";
Prop.Assignment.pp fmt rho;
Format.fprintf fmt "@?"
| Result.Unit() ->
Format.fprintf fmt ":unit@?"
| Result.Bool(true) ->
Format.fprintf fmt ":true@?"
| Result.Bool(false) ->
Format.fprintf fmt ":false@?"
| value ->
Format.fprintf fmt ":val ";
Result.output fmt value;
Format.fprintf fmt "@?");
cmd_endmarker fmt
and cmd_error fmt str =
Format.fprintf fmt ":error %s" str;
Format.fprintf fmt "\n%s@?" (Istate.eot())
and cmd_quit n fmt =
Format.fprintf fmt "\n";
cmd_endmarker fmt;
exit n
and cmd_endmarker fmt =
let eot = Istate.eot () in
if eot = "" then
Format.pp_print_flush fmt ()
Format.fprintf fmt "\n%s" eot;
Format.pp_print_flush fmt ()