let rec mk_expt n a =
if n = 0 then
else if n = 1 then
match a with
| App(Pp(Expt(m)), [x]) ->
mk_expt (m * n) x
| App(Pp(Mult), []) ->
| App(Pp(Mult), [x]) ->
mk_app (expt n) [x]
| App(Pp(Mult), xl) ->
mk_multl (mapl (mk_expt n) xl)
| _ ->
mk_app (expt n) [a]
and mk_multl al =
List.fold_left mk_mult mk_one al
and mk_mult a b =
match a with
| App(Pp(Expt(n)), [x]) ->
mk_mult_with_expt x n b
| App(Pp(Mult), []) ->
| App(Pp(Mult), xl) ->
mk_mult_with_pp xl b
| _ ->
mk_mult_with_expt a 1 b
and mk_mult_with_expt x n b =
match b with
| App(Pp(Expt(m)), [y])
when Term.eq x y ->
mk_expt (n + m) x
| App(Pp(Mult), []) ->
mk_expt n x
| App(Pp(Mult), yl) ->
insert x n yl
| _ ->
insert x n [b]
and mk_mult_with_pp xl b =
match b with
| App(Pp(Expt(m)), [y]) ->
insert y m xl
| App(Pp(Mult), yl) ->
merge yl xl
| _ ->
insert b 1 xl
and cmp1 (x, n) (y, m) =
let res = Term.cmp x y in
if res = 0 then Pervasives.compare n m else res
and destruct a =
match a with
| App(Pp(Expt(n)), [x]) -> (x, n)
| _ -> (a, 1)
and insert x n bl =
merge [mk_expt n x] bl
and insert1 x = insert x 1
and merge al bl =
let compare a b = cmp1 (destruct a) (destruct b) in
let rec loop acc al bl =
match al, bl with
| [], [] -> acc
| _, [] -> acc @ al
| [], _ -> acc @ bl
| a :: al', b :: bl' ->
let (x, n) = destruct a
and (y, m) = destruct b in
let cmp = Term.cmp x y in
if cmp = 0 then
if n + m = 0 then
loop acc al' bl'
loop (mk_expt (n + m) x :: acc) al' bl'
else if cmp < 0 then
loop (a :: acc) al' bl
loop (b :: acc) al bl'
match loop [] al bl with
| [] -> mk_one
| [c] -> c
| cl -> mk_app mult (List.sort compare cl)