let cmp x y =
let domcmp d e =
match d, e with
| None, None -> 0
| Some _, None -> -1
| None, Some _ -> 1
| Some d, Some e ->
(match d, e with
| Dom.Real, Dom.Real -> 0
| Dom.Int, Dom.Int -> 0
| Dom.Real, Dom.Int -> 1
| Dom.Int, Dom.Real -> -1)
let strictcmp alpha beta =
match alpha, beta with
| true, false -> -1
| false, true -> 1
| _ -> 0
match x, y with
| External _, Rename _ -> -1
| Rename _, External _ -> 1
| External(n, d), External(m, e) ->
let c1 = domcmp d e in
if c1 != 0 then c1 else Name.cmp n m
| Rename(n, i, d), Rename(m, j, e) ->
let c1 = domcmp d e in
if c1 != 0 then c1 else
let c2 = Name.cmp n m in
if c2 != 0 then c2 else Pervasives.compare i j
| Fresh(n, i, d), Fresh(m, j, e) ->
let c1 = domcmp d e in
if c1 != 0 then c1 else
let c2 = Name.cmp n m in
if c2 != 0 then c2 else Pervasives.compare i j
| Slack(i, alpha, d), Slack(j, beta, e) ->
let c1 = strictcmp alpha beta in
if c1 != 0 then c1 else
let c2 = domcmp d e in
if c2 != 0 then c2 else -(Pervasives.compare i j)
| Slack _, _ -> -1
| _, Slack _ -> 1
| External _, Fresh _ -> 1
| Fresh _, External _ -> -1
| Bound(n), Bound(m) ->
Pervasives.compare n m
| _ ->
Pervasives.compare x y