let rec solve e =
fresh := [];
solvel ([e], [])
and solvel (el, sl) =
match el with
| [] -> sl
| (a, b) :: el1 -> solve1 (a, b) (el1, sl)
and solve1 (a, b) (el, sl) =
Trace.msg "l" "Solve" (a, b) Term.Equal.pp;
if Term.eq a b then
solvel (el, sl)
else if is_functional a || is_functional b then
let d = mk_fresh () in
let e = (mk_apply a d, mk_apply b d) in
solvel (e :: el, sl)
else if is_fo_app a || is_fo_app b then
let sl' = solve_fo (a, b) in
solvel (List.fold_right install sl' (el, sl))
let (f, al) = d_apply a
and (g, bl) = d_apply b in
if Term.eq f g &&
is_redex_atom f &&
List.length al = List.length bl
let el' = List.combine al bl in
solvel (el' @ el, sl)
else if is_pure a && is_pure b then
raise Exc.Inconsistent
else if not(Term.occurs f b) then
solvel (install (imitate f al b) (el, sl))
else if not(Term.occurs g a) then
solvel (install (imitate g bl a) (el, sl))
raise Exc.Incomplete
and solve_fo ((a, b) as e) =
let shostak_theory_of a =
match Term.App.theory_of a with
| Th.Shostak(i) -> i
| _ -> raise Not_found
let i = shostak_theory_of a in
solve_interp i (a, b)
Not_found ->
let j = shostak_theory_of b in
solve_interp j (a, b)
and solve_interp i e =
match i with
| Th.LA -> Arith.solve e
| Th.BV -> Bitvector.solve e
| Th.P -> Product.solve e
| Th.COP -> Coproduct.solve e
| Th.SET -> Propset.solve e
| _ -> invalid_arg "no solving for CL terms"
and imitate x al b =
assert(not(Term.occurs x b));
match al with
| [] -> (x, b)
| [a] ->
let y = mk_fresh () in
let zb = mk_bound () in
(x, abstract (z()) (mk_cases zb a b (mk_apply y zb)))
| _ ->
raise Exc.Incomplete
and install (x, a) (el, sl) =
(substitute (x, a) el, compose (x, a) sl)
and compose (x, b) sl =
Term.Subst.compose apply (x, b) sl
and substitute (x, b) el =
let subst1 (a1, a2) =
(apply (x, b) a1, apply (x, b) a2)
List.map subst1 el