let simplify ((_, p) as s) atm =
let id atm = (atm, Jst.dep0) in
match Atom.atom_of atm with
| (Atom.TT | Atom.FF) ->
id atm
| Atom.Equal(a, b) ->
let (a', rho') = can s a
and (b', tau') = can s b in
if Term.eq a' b' then
(Atom.mk_true, Jst.dep2 rho' tau')
(match Partition.is_diseq p a' b' with
| Some(sigma') ->
(Atom.mk_false, Jst.dep3 rho' tau' sigma')
| None ->
if a == a' && b == b' then
id atm
(Atom.mk_equal (a', b'), Jst.dep2 rho' tau'))
| Atom.Diseq(a, b) ->
let (a', rho') = can s a
and (b', tau') = can s b in
if Term.eq a' b' then
(Atom.mk_false, Jst.dep2 rho' tau')
(match Partition.is_diseq p a' b' with
| Some(sigma') ->
(Atom.mk_true, Jst.dep3 rho' tau' sigma')
| None ->
if a == a' && b == b' then
id atm
(Atom.mk_diseq (a', b'), Jst.dep2 rho' tau'))
| Atom.Nonneg(a) ->
let (a', rho') = can s a in
(match is_nonneg s a' with
| Jst.Three.Yes(tau') ->
(Atom.mk_true, Jst.dep2 rho' tau')
| Jst.Three.No(tau') ->
(Atom.mk_false, Jst.dep2 rho' tau')
| Jst.Three.X ->
if a == a' then id atm else
(Atom.mk_nonneg a', rho'))
| Atom.Pos(a) ->
let (a', rho') = can s a in
(match is_pos s a' with
| Jst.Three.Yes(tau') ->
(Atom.mk_true, Jst.dep2 rho' tau')
| Jst.Three.No(tau') ->
(Atom.mk_false, Jst.dep2 rho' tau')
| Jst.Three.X ->
if a == a' then id atm else
(Atom.mk_pos a', rho'))