let rec solve e =
  fresh := [];                      (* reinitialize [is_fresh]. *)
  let e0, sl0, rho = pre e in
  let sl1 = solvel ([e0], sl0)in
  let sl2 = post rho sl1 in

(** Preprocess the input equality e to replace each term of the form car(x) by k1 with the solution x = cons(k1, k2) added to sl, and similarly,cdr(x) can be replaced with k2, for fresh k2. This completely eliminates car and cdr from the input equality. Thus, pre (a, b) returns a triple consisting of
  • an equality a' = b' such that a' and b' are built up from conses only, and none of the variables in a', b' is in the domain of the initial solution set, and
  • an initial solution set with equalities x = cons(k1, k2) for each entry

and pre (a, b) =
  let (a', rho) = Symtab.abstract (a, Symtab.empty) in (* Abstract [car(x)] and [cdr(x)]. *)
  let (b', rho') = Symtab.abstract (b, rho) in         (* [a'] and [b'] do not contain [car], [cdr]. *)
  let sl0 =                                            (* Add [x = cons(k1, k2) for each *)
    Symtab.fold                                        (* renaming pair. *)
      (fun (x, k1, k2) acc -> 
         (x, mk_cons k1 k2) :: acc)
      rho' []
  let e0 = apply_to_eq sl0 (a', b') in                (* Apply these bindings. *)
    (e0, sl0, rho')

(** Repetitively apply the rules (symmetrically).
  • Triv: a = a, el; sl ==> el; sl
  • Ext: cons(a', a'') = cons(b', b''), el; sl ==> a' = b', a'' = b'', el; sl
  • Bot: x = a, el; sl ==> bot if x is a proper subterm of a
  • Subst: x = a, el; sl ==> sigma(el[a/x]); s o {x = a} if x occurs in el but not in a.
Either a variable in el or a rhs in sl is eliminated (by Subst), or the size of el decreases, so the corresponding lexicographic measure yields termination. *)

and solvel (el, sl) =
  match el with
    | [] -> sl
    | (a, b) :: el1 ->
        solve1 (a, b) (el1,  sl) 

and solve1 (a, b) (el, sl) =
  if Term.eq a b then                      (* Triv *)
    solvel (el, sl) 
      let (a', a'') = d_cons a             (* Ext *)
      and (b', b'') = d_cons b in
        solvel (((a', b') :: (a'', b'') :: el), sl)
        Not_found ->       
          assert(not(Term.eq a b)); 
          let (x, a) = if is_cons a then (b, a) else (a, b) in
            assert(not(is_interp x));
            if Term.subterm x a then       (* Bot *) 
              raise Exc.Inconsistent
            else                           (* Subst *)
              let (x, a) = orient (x, a) in
              let el' = apply_to_eqs [(x, a)] el in
              let sl' = compose (x, a) sl in
                solvel (el', sl')

(** Ensure y = x with y fresh and x not fresh can not happen. *)

and orient (a, b) =
  if Term.is_var a && Term.is_var b then
    if is_fresh a && not(is_fresh b) then
      (b, a)
      Term.orient (a, b)
    (a, b)

and apply_to_trm rho =
  let lookup x =
    try Term.Subst.lookup rho x with Not_found -> x
    map lookup 
and apply_to_eq rho (a1, a2) =
  (apply_to_trm rho a1, apply_to_trm rho a2)
and apply_to_eqs rho a =
  List.map (apply_to_eq rho) a
and compose (x, a) sl =
  assert(not(is_interp x));
  Term.Subst.compose apply (x, a) sl

(** Postprocessing is needed to ensure that the solution does not contain new variables. We can then discard any equations of the form k = a in sl for newly introduced k. The result does not necessarily use a minimal number of fresh variables. *)

and post rho sl =
  List.filter (fun (x, _) -> not (is_fresh x)) sl