let rec pp p fmt =
| Apply, al ->
let op = Format.sprintf "apply" in
Pretty.string fmt "(";
Pretty.infixl p " $ " fmt al;
Pretty.string fmt ")"
| S, [] ->
Pretty.string fmt "S"
| K, [] ->
Pretty.string fmt "K"
| I, [] ->
Pretty.string fmt "I"
| C, [] ->
Pretty.string fmt "C"
| Reify(f, _), [] ->
let str = Format.sprintf "'%s'" (to_string f) in
Pretty.string fmt str
| _ ->
invalid_arg "Ill-formed application in theory of functions"
and to_string (sym, _) =
match sym with
| Uninterp(op) -> Uninterp.to_string op
| Arith(op) -> Arith.to_string op
| Product(op) -> Product.to_string op
| Bv(op) -> Bv.to_string op
| Coproduct(op) -> Coproduct.to_string op
| Arrays(op) -> Array.to_string op
| Pp(op) -> Pprod.to_string op
| Propset(op) -> Propset.to_string op
| Cl(op) -> invalid_arg "Reified combinatory logic symbol"