module Atom: sig end
Atomic predicates.
Author(s): Harald Ruess
type atom =
atomic predicate is either
- one of the constants
or False
- an equality
a = b
- a disequality
a <> b
, or
- an arithmetic inequality
a > 0
or a >= 0
type t
For each atom, a
unique index is maintained. That is,
a b
holds iff i = j
with i
, j
the indices associated with a
, b
, respectively.
val atom_of : t -> atom
Retrieve the atom from an atom-index pair.
val index_of : t -> int
Retrieve the unique index from an atom-index pair.
val of_atom : atom -> t
Construct an atom-index pair with unique index from an atom.
val of_index : int -> t
of_index n
returns an atom-index pair of index
if such and
atom-index pair has been created since the last
Otherwise, the result is undefined.
val mk_true : t
Atom-index pair for representing the true
val mk_false : t
Atom-index pair for representing the false
val mk_equal : Term.t * Term.t -> t
The atom-index pair mk_equal (a, b)
represents the equality a = b
val mk_diseq : Term.t * Term.t -> t
The atom-index pair mk_diseq (a, b)
represents the disequality a <> b
val mk_nonneg : Term.t -> t
The atom-index pair mk_nonneg a
represents the nonnegativity
constraint a >= 0
val mk_pos : Term.t -> t
The atom-index pair mk_nonneg a
represents the positivity
constraint a > 0
val is_true : t -> bool
is_true atm
holds iff atm
represents the true
val is_false : t -> bool
is_false atm
holds iff atm
represents the false
val equal : t -> t -> bool
Equality on atoms.
val is_negatable : t -> bool
is_negatable atm
is always true. Not deleted,
because it is called by SAT solver
val negate : (Term.t -> Term.t) -> t -> t
negate f atm
val vars_of : t -> Term.Var.Set.t
vars_of atm
collects all variables in atm
val is_connected : t -> t -> bool
is_connected atm1 atm2
holds iff vars_of atm1
vars_of atm2
not disjoint.
val pp : t Pretty.printer
Pretty-printing an atom.
Parameters: |
fmt |
: |
(atm,()) |
: |
atom * 'a
val to_string : t -> string
Pretty-printing an atom to a string.
module Set: sig end
Sets of atoms.
module Map: sig end
Maplets with atoms as keys.