Module Jst.Three

module Three: sig  end
Justifying ternary relations.

type t =
| Yes of Jst.jst
| No of Jst.jst
| X

val to_three : Jst.jst list Pervasives.ref ->
('a -> 'b -> t) -> 'a -> 'b -> Three.t
to_three fcts p a accumulate facts in the result of p a in global variable fcts and returns a corresponding result of type Three.t.
justs : Jst.jst list Pervasives.ref
p : 'a -> 'b -> t
a : 'a
b : 'b
val of_three : ('a -> Three.t) -> 'a -> t
? : 'a -> Three.t
? : 'a