Module Solution

module Solution: sig  end
Solution sets.

A solution set for theory th is a set of equalities of the form x = a, where x is term variable and a is a th-pure term application. For each such equality, a justification rho of type Jst.t is maintained.

As an invariant, solution sets s are kept in

Author(s): Harald Ruess, N. Shankar

val pp_index : bool Pervasives.ref
module type DEP = sig  end
Iterators over dependency index.
module type SET = sig  end
Signature for equality sets.
module type EXT = sig  end
An equality theory is specified by means of its name th,, a term map f a for replacing uninterpreted positions x of a with f x and canonizing the resulting term in theory th., side effects when updating and restricting solution sets.
module Make: functor (Ext : EXT) -> sig  end
Functor for constructing an equality set for theory specification T.
module type SET0 = sig  end
Solution set without field extension.
module Set: SET0
Functor for constructing a solution set for theory specification T0.
module Proj: functor (S : SET) -> SET0
Projecting out extensions of a solution set.