Module Sym

module Sym: sig  end
Function symbols
Author(s): Harald Ruess This module provides constructors for all the function symbols for the theories in {!Th.t}.

The set of function symbols is partitioned into uninterpreted and interpreted function symbols, and the interpreted function symbols are partitioned themselves into function symbols for the interpreted theories in Th.t of In particular, function symbols from different theories are pairwise disjoint. Some theories contain an infinite number of function and constant symbols. For example, the theory of linear arithmetic contains a constant symbol for every rational number.

This module provides functions for creating, manipulating, and comparing function symbols. Since representations of function symbols are hashconsed, equality tests Sym.eq and comparison Sym.cmp are performed in constant time.

Symbols should only be constructed using the explicitly provided constructors as the definition of the type Sym.sym is only given to allow for convenient pattern matching.

Also, Tools.do_at_reset resets internal structures and therefore invalidates all uses of symbols. In particular, symbols should never be stored in global constants.

type t = sym * int

Representation type for function symbols. This includes the function symbol itself together with a hash value. This type is purposely not kept abstract as to allow for pattern matching.

type sym =
| Uninterp of uninterp
| Arith of arith
| Product of product
| Coproduct of coproduct
| Bv of bv
| Pp of pprod
| Cl of cl
| Arrays of arrays
| Propset of propset

type uninterp = Name.t
An uninterpreted function symbol in Th.u just consists of a name. There is no arity associated with it.

type arith =
| Num of Mpa.Q.t
| Add
| Multq of Mpa.Q.t
Function symbols for linear arithmetic are

type product =
| Cons
| Car
| Cdr
Function symbols for the theory Th.p of products are

type coproduct =
| In of direction
| Out of direction
Function symbols for the theory Th.cop of cotuples are

type direction =
| Left
| Right

type arrays =
| Create
| Select
| Update
Function symbols of the theory Th.arr of arrays

type cl =
| Apply
| S
| K
| I
| C
| Reify of t * int
Function symbols of the theory of functions

type propset =
| Empty
| Full
| Ite

type bv =
| Const of Bitv.t
| Conc of int * int
| Sub of int * int * int
Function symbols for the theory of bitvectors are

type pprod =
| Mult
Function symbols of the theory of nonlinear arithmetic or power products are

type tsym = t

val theory_of : t -> Th.t
theory_of f returns the theory of type Th.t associated with f.
? : t
val eq : t -> t -> bool
eq f g succeeds iff f and g represent the same function symbol. This test is performed in constant time (in particular, independent of the length of names of uninterpreted function symbols).
f : t
g : t
val cmp : t -> t -> int
cmp f g returns 0 iff eq f g holds, and cmp f g is positive iff cmp g f is negative. Otherwise, the result is unspecified. cmp f g might thus be viewed as representing a total ordering <= on function symbols with f <= g iff cmp f g is, say, nonpositive.
f : t
g : t
val hash : t -> int
Nonnegative hash value for function symbols. This value is not unique to a function symbol.
? : t
val pp : 'a Pretty.printer -> (t * 'a list) Pretty.printer
Pretty-printing applications of symbols to an argument list. The exact form of printing applications is determined by the flag Pretty.flag. For details see also Sym.Uninterp.pp etc. below.
p : 'a Pretty.printer
fmt : Format.formatter
((sym,()),al) : (sym * 'b) * 'c list
module Uninterp: sig  end
Operations on uninterpreted function symbols.
module Arith: sig  end
Operation on linear arithmetic function symbols.
module Product: sig  end
Operation on function symbols of the product theory Th.p.
module Coproduct: sig  end
Operation on function symbols of the coproduct theory Th.cop.
module Pprod: sig  end
Operation on function symbols of nonlinear multiplication theory
module Bv: sig  end
Operation on function symbols of the bitvector theory
module Array: sig  end
Operation on function symbols of the theory Th.arr of functional arrays.
module Cl: sig  end
Operation on function symbols of the theory of combinatory logic with case split.
module Propset: sig  end
Theory of propositional sets
val get : t -> sym
get f returns a theory-specific operator together with a tag for specifying the theory corresponding to f.
? : t