Index of module types

ARITH [Infsys]
Abstract interface of an inference system for arithmetic theories as an extension of the Infsys.EQ signature.

DEP [Solution]
Iterators over dependency index.

EQ [Infsys]
Abstract interface of an inference system for equality theories.
EXT [Solution]
An equality theory is specified by means of its name th,, a term map f a for replacing uninterpreted positions x of a with f x and canonizing the resulting term in theory th., side effects when updating and restricting solution sets.

LEVEL [Infsys]
Specification of tracer for inference system.

OPS [Can]
Operations for canonizable theories.

Rat [Euclid]
The argument signature of the functor Euclid.Make May only be instantiated with a structure isomorphic to the rationals.

S [Euclid]
Input signature of the functor Euclid.Make.
SET [Solution]
Signature for equality sets.
SET0 [Solution]
Solution set without field extension.
SIG [Acsym]
Specification of a signature th with one binary, associative-commutative (AC) function symbol f.
SIG [Ac]
Specification of a signature th with one binary, associative-commutative (AC) function symbol f.

T [Shostak]
A Shostak theory th is specified by means of a replacement map f a for replacing uninterpreted subterms of a with f a and canonizing the result, and, a solver solve. , an extended canonizer map f a for replacing uninterpreted positions x of a with f b followed by canonization in the given theory, and, a branching function disjunction. If disjunction always returns Not_found, then th is also said to be a convex Shostak theory.
T [Can]
A canonizable and ground confluent theory th is specified by means of a replacement map f a for replacing uninterpreted subterms of a with f a and canonizing the result,, a theory-specific canonizer;, chainings functions of_var_equal, of_var_diseq, of_var_diseq for keeping equality sets ground confluent by triggering inference rules on pure equalities, variable equalities, and variable disequalities, respectively; and, a branching function disjunction.
TERM [Acsym]
Canonizer and iterators for AC theories.
Canonizer and iterators for AC theories.