Module Combine

module Combine: sig  end
Combined inference system
Author(s): Harald Ruess, N. Shankar

Inference system for the union of the theories

val sigma : Sym.t -> Term.t list -> Term.t
Theory-specific canonizers.
f : Sym.t
al : Term.t list
val solve : Th.t -> Term.Equal.t -> Term.Subst.t
Theory-specific solvers.
th : Th.t
e : Term.Equal.t
module E: sig  end
Combination of individual equality sets.

type t = E.t Infsys.Config.t
Configurations (g, e, p) for the combined inference system consist

val process : Fact.t -> E.t * Partition.t -> E.t * Partition.t
Given a starting configuration ({fct}, e, p), process applies all rules of the combined inference system (except branching rules). The source and target configuration of process are equivalent, although the target configuration might contain internally generated variables not present in the source configuration.
fct : Fact.t
(s,p) : E.t * Partition.t
val is_sat : E.t * Partition.t -> (E.t * Partition.t) option
is_sat [c] applies applicable branching rules until it finds a satisfiable configuration d (with empty input) for which no branching rule is applicable; in this case Some(d) is returned. Otherwise, all branching states are unsatisfiable, and None is returned.
(s,p) : E.t * Partition.t
val dom : E.t * Partition.t -> Term.t -> Dom.t * Jst.t
dom p a returns a domain d for a term a together with a justification rho such that rho |- a in d. This function is extended to arithmetic constraints using an abstract domain interpretation. Raises Not_found if no domain constraint is found.
s : E.t * Partition.t
a : Term.t
val can : E.t * Partition.t -> Jst.Eqtrans.t
Given an equality set e and a partition p as obtained from processing, can (e, p) a returns a term b equivalent to a in (e, p) together with a justification rho. If no further branching is applicable on (e, p), then can (e, p) is a canonizer in the sense that can (e, p) a is syntactically equal to can (e, p) b iff the equality a = b follows from (e, p) in the supported union of theories.
(e,p) : E.t * Partition.t
a : Term.t
val simplify : E.t * Partition.t -> Atom.t -> Atom.t * Jst.t
Simplification of atoms in a context (e, p) by canonizing component terms using Combine.can. Simplification is incomplete in the sense that there are
((),p) : E.t * Partition.t
atm : Atom.t
val cheap : bool Pervasives.ref
If cheap is set, Combine.simplify only performs cheap simplifications for disequalities and inequalities. Setting cheap to false make Combine.simplify more complete.
val gc : t -> unit
gc c garbage collects internal variables in configuration c as introduced by Combine.process.
c : t
val maximize : E.t * Partition.t -> Jst.Eqtrans.t
maximize c a returns either
(s,p) : E.t * Partition.t
a : Term.t
val minimize : E.t * Partition.t -> Jst.Eqtrans.t
Minimize is the dual of maximize.
(s,p) : E.t * Partition.t
a : Term.t
val model : E.t * Partition.t -> Term.t list -> Term.t Term.Map.t
Model construction. Experimental.
(s,p) : E.t * Partition.t
? : Term.t list